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Terrific Two's- Parent / Child Class

This weekly parent/child class was designed with a two-year-old in mind. The major emphasis in this fun, small-group experience is on socialization. We want your child's first experience with preschool to be positive!


The teacher will introduce the children to a predictable schedule. Toddlers thrive on routine, it gives them a sense of security knowing what comes next. Each week the teacher will have a special craft project set up in the classroom and the children will have time to play in the classroom as well. During snack time, the teacher will share advice on relevant parenting topics.  After snack, the children will have the opportunity for gross motor play in the "Children's Center".  The final segment of class each week is focused on literacy and music.

Parents are encouraged to join in on the songs during music, and, if necessary, assist their child with the project. The children will rotate through three rooms and parents are expected to help their child with transitioning.


Terrific Twos – Daily Schedule:

  • Arrival

  • Learning Centers in Classroom - see below

  • Snack (parent provided)

  • Children’s Center

  • Music Room - story and songs


Learning Centers Available During Class Time:

  • Literacy - vocabulary and language, words, print, comprehension and books.

  • Creative - we provide a wide range of self-expressive materials including art, drama, music, puppets, and movement.

  • Science - the physical properties of objects such as sand and water, living things and other hands-on exploratory materials.

  • Math - numbers, patterns, spatial awareness and measurement.

  • Blocks - balance, gravity, size, planning, sharing, design, and clean up skills.


 Terrific Twos Meet (with parent): 

              Wednesday ~ 9:00 -10:30AM or 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

             and / or

              Thursday ~ 9:00 -10:30AM or 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM


    Child must be two and accompanied by an adult.



1.5 hours, 1 day per week is $155 per ten week sessions (three sessions per year $465/year)

If you are not a returning family, you must wait until March 1, 2025 to enroll your child. If you enroll before March 1st, you will forfeit your registration fee and your spot in the class you register for.

Registration Information

Registration for the Fall 2025 Session is an ONLINE ONLY PROCESS. Click the ENROLL NOW button below to create an account and enroll your child.

If you are not a returning family, you must wait until March 1, 2025 to enroll your child. If you enroll before March 1st, you will forfeit your registration fee and your spot in the class you register for.

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